How to Beat Granny in Easy Mode
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The popular horror-survival game Granny is also one of the most difficult games to beat. The goal of the game is to escape the house alive. To do this, you will need to unlock all the locks on the front door and escape. While you are trying to escape, Granny will be looking for you and listening for any sound you make. If she catches you, she will attack you and you will start a new day in the bedroom on the top floor. You only have 5 days to escape. This wikiHow teaches you how to find all the items you need to beat Granny. Note: Items you need are placed randomly throughout the house. There is no way to know where any item is located when you start a new game. You have to search the house to find them. You may not be able to find the items in the same order they are listed here.
Pick up the cutting pliers. Go back to where you last dropped the cutting pliers and pick them up.
Cut the wires behind the circuit box. The circuit box is located in the basement. This turns the bottom alarm light on the door green.
Cut the door alarm wires. The wires are above the box with lights on the front door. Use the cutting pliers cut the wire and disable the door alarm. This turns the top light of the alarm green. The alarm is now disabled.
Pick up the padlock key. The padlock key is the key that has a blue handle.
Unlock the padlock on the door. Use the blue padlock key to unlock the padlock on the door. This causes the bar at the top of the door to fall.
- Warning: This creates noise that may alert Granny
Unlock the number padlock on the door. Use the code written on the yellow paper to unlock the number padlock.
Pick up the hammer. Remember where you found the house and pick it up.
Break the wood at the bottom of the door. Use the hammer to break the wood blocking the front door. You will need to break the wood on both sides to completely clear it.
- Warning: This creates noise that may alert Granny.
Pick up the battery (Hard and Extreme mode only). If you are playing Hard or Extreme mode, or extra locks, you will need to use the battery to unlock the door. Go to where you found the battery and pick it up.
Place the battery in the compartment on the front door (Hard and Extreme mode only). This removes the vertical plank from the door.
- Warning: This will make noise that may alert Granny.
Pick up the screwdriver (Extreme mode only). If you are playing on Extreme mode, you will need to use the screw driver to access a lever to open a lock on the front door.
Open the box with the lever (Extreme mode only). The box with the lever is located in Granny's yard. Use the screwdriver to open it.
Activate the Lever (Extreme mode only). This removes the metal lock from the door.
Pick up the master key. It is the key that has a red handle.
Unlock the master lock. Use the key with the red handle to unlock the regular lock on the door. This is the final lock on the door. This can only be unlocked after all the rest of the locks on the door have been removed. Congratulations! You can now escape the house and beat the game.
Locate the padlock key. The padlock key is a blue key. This is used to unlock the padlock on the front door.
- To search for items, check in drawers, cabinets, chairs, sinks, toilets, and hidden areas and compartments. There is no way to know where an item is located when you start a new game.
Locate the Safe key. The Safe key has a gold handle. It is used to unlock the Safe in the basement, which sometimes has another key or item you need.
Unlock the safe. The Safe is located in the basement. It usually contains another key or an item you need [1]
Locate the car key. The car key has a yellow handle. It's used to unlock the trunk of the car.
Unlock the trunk of the car. The car is in the garage. The trunk often contains items that you need.
Locate the playhouse key. The playhouse key has a teal handle. You will need to search the house to find the key.
Unlock the playhouse. Use the key with a teal handle to unlock the playhouse. The playhouse is located in Granny's yard. It has a machine inside.
Locate the cogwheel. Search throughout the house to find the cog wheel. The cogwheel is a rusty round piece with jagged teeth around the edges.
Use the cogwheel on the machine in the playhouse. The playhouse is located in Granny's yard. This will reveal a compartment that has a key or item you need hidden in it.
Locate the winch handle. Search the house for the winch handle. The winch handle has a rectangular wooden piece with a wooden handle sticking out of it.
Use the winch handle on the well. The well is in Granny's yard. This raises a bucket that has a key or other item you need hidden inside.
Locate the melon. Search throughout the house to find the melon.
Cut the melon open with the guillotine. The guillotine is located in Granny's yard. Cutting open the melon reveals a key or another item you need.
Locate the weapons key. The weapons key has a wooden handle. Search throughout the house to locate the key.
Get the shotgun or tranquilizer gun. You will need the tranquilizer gun or shotgun to get the next item. You can also use the tranquilizer gun or shotgun to incapacitate Granny for two minutes.
- To get the tranquilizer gun, first, locate the weapons key, then use it to open the compartment on the side of the secret staircase leading to the top floor. The tranquilizer gun and some darts are inside.
- To find the secret staircase, go through the door to the left of the room you start each day in. Go into the narrow closet that joins another room on the floor. Push the stack of boxes against the wall over to reveal a hidden passage. Crouch and go into the passage and go down the stairs. The weapons compartment is on the right when you reach the stair landing.
- To get the shotgun, search the house for three pieces of the shotgun (the shotgun muzzle and some bullets are located on the table at the back of the garage). Places the pieces in the shotgun mold located in the basement to assemble the shotgun.[2]
- To get the tranquilizer gun, first, locate the weapons key, then use it to open the compartment on the side of the secret staircase leading to the top floor. The tranquilizer gun and some darts are inside.
Shoot down the screwdriver. The screwdriver is located on top of a shelf in the main room with the foyer and front door. You will see it twinkle from the top shelf on the wall as you go down the stairs. Use the shotgun or tranquilizer gun to shoot it down.
Pick up the screwdriver. After you shoot down the screwdriver from the shelf, pick it up.
Open the compartment on the side of the stairs. Use the screwdriver to open the compartment on the side of the stairs in the basement.
Locate the lock code. The lock code is written on a yellow sheet of paper that says "Code". This can be posted to any wall or door, as well as hidden in a drawer, cabinet, or piece of furniture.
Write down the code. You will need to use the code to unlock the front door. Write it down or go and unlock the number padlock on the front door.
Locate the hammer. The hammer is located in one of the secret compartments throughout the house.
Locate the cutting pliers. The cutting pliers have a lime-green handle. [3]
Cut the fan wires. The fan is located in the jail cell. An item is sometimes hidden behind the fan.
- To get to the jail cell, go to the attic. Remove wooden planks blocking the way to the crib room, and use them to bridge over the broken floor to the jail cell.[4]
- Remember where the cutting pliers are located. You will need them to unlock the front door.
Locate the battery (Hard and Extreme mode only). If you are playing on Hard or Extreme mode, or Extra Locks, you will also need to locate the battery to unlock the front door. The battery is a small black box that says "Battery" on the side.[5]
Locate the master key. The Master Key has a red handle. It is the final key you need to unlock the front door and escape.
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How do I not get afraid of the Granny jumpscare?
Is there any danger in practice mode?
Granny isn't home in practice mode, so you can freely explore the house without having to worry about her catching you.
How do you unlock the orange underground room with the red door and the little window? (The one that connects to the underground passage by the playhouse.)
Lorelai Jensen
Community Answer
You will need to assemble the shotgun. (Not the crossbow and dart.) Once you get the shotgun, shoot the redlock. With force, it will unlock the door, allowing you to open it.
What about the spider? I was told that it could kill you in the game or practice mode. Is that true? Even it the practice mode? Also, where is the spider located?
Community Answer
The spider is located in the attic. It does not kill you, it only does the same thing as the crow.
If Granny is chasing you, how do you escape her?
In one of the easiest modes, you can outspeed granny - so you can dash out of her sight and roam around. You can also hide under beds or in closets (though it may not work always Granny sees you going inside it). Granny doesn't have an excellent vision so will easily lose you. In extreme mode, she can outspeed you (is faster than you by 20%), so don't be in her sight and turn sharply around corners and go outside of her vision. You can also shoot her with tranquilizer darts or shotguns, or close doors in her path.
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Hide in Granny's car to keep safe.
Be careful when switching items. You will need to drop one item before you can pick up another. This will make noise that can alert Granny to your location.
If you drop an item, it can be found where you last left it.
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Article Summary X
1. Search the house for items you need. They will be found in different locations when you start a new game.
2. Use the cutting pliers to cut the wires behind the breaker box in the basement.
3. Use the cutting pliers to cut the alarm wires above the front door
4. Use the blue padlock key to open the padlock on the front door
5. Use the code on the yellow sheet of paper to unlock the number padlock on the front door.
6. Use the hammer to break the wood at the bottom of the door.
7. Use the battery to remove the vertical plank from the front door in Hard and Extreme mode.
8. Use the screwdriver to open the box in the yard and activate the lever to remove the metal lock in Extreme mode.
9. Use the Master key with the red handle to unlock the front door after all other locks have been removed
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